Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First Time Blogger

Hello!!  My name is Megan, and I am am just going to give you all a glimpse in my life.  This is my first ever blog, but I think it is going to be a great way for me to organize my thoughts.  It may even make some others feel better about their crazy lives, or even help some people relax a bit and enjoy this time.

I am a young mother.  I was married at 22 and by the middle of 23... I had two babies.  My kids are 12 1/2 months apart and are now almost 3 and 4.  It really is crazy how quickly they grow up, but I will be honest... I love that there is more play time and less diaper time.  Toddlers are energetic and time consuming.  Anyone who has ever been around children knows this.  It keep me running, but it is great (most of the time).  Besides my own 2 kids, I also watch 5 others!  All these kiddos are 4 or under.  This is the beginning of my "Making it work... sort of" title.  But the craziness continues.

I am also in school full time, pursuing an Accounting Degree.  I am taking classes online and have a little over a year of classes left.  I even have a 4.0!  I hope it lasts, but I have feeling it won't.  At the end of every class, I am a nervous wreck thinking I am getting a B, but it hasn't happened yet.... Finger's crossed.

I am now on the Park District board in my community as well and hold two chairs.  I am on the Activities and Education Committee and the Publicity and Communication Committee.  Time consuming stuff.    I am also in charge of fundraising for our yearly celebration and this requires about $10,000 in monetary donations or funds from events. Add being a leader for the infants and toddlers at church, and I have zero days for me... right? Wish me luck!

I typically here that I am crazy.  You will hear no argument from me on this.  I AM CRAZY.    What was I thinking doing all this at once?  I am not superwoman, or in any way more organized or determined than the average person.  However, I have a very hard time telling people "no" and this gets me stretched to the limit.  So I am setting goals to get better at this and quite a few other things.  Hopefully this blog will give me an outlet.  Hope you enjoy my crazy life because it sure does gets pretty funny at time!

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